As a mother to a child with type 1 diabetes, Chelsea Price has a passion for helping other families deal with not only the financial burden, but also the emotional strain diabetes can bring to a family. She understands the daily struggles and adjustments that are made by everyone involved in the child’s diabetes care. As a Will’s Way board member, Chelsea strives to be a shoulder to lean on for those newly-diagnosed families. Chelsea hopes to reach qualified families who need help financially, but most importantly; who need a supportive team member in the fight against type 1 diabetes.
Chelsea graduated from The Ohio State University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Human Ecology minoring in Business Management. She has over 10 years experience in the fashion industry where she had many opportunities to grow professionally, and travel the world. Chelsea served as an associate product manager where she oversaw product development for major retailers across the United States.
Chelsea also donates her time as a volunteer at the local Indiana JDRF chapter. She participates yearly in fundraising efforts for their One Walk Campaigns and Annual Promise Gala. She is an active player in many type 1 family support groups and strives to be that voice of reason every parent needs to hear after a new diagnosis.